
Beats by Dr Dre solo ction is exactly a s

The adjutant saw one eye dead the fish Be similar to lie prone at the wife on the desk, embarrassed way:"The leader spoke important event, then rush ……rushed to come in."
The emperor benefit presses endocentric disaffection and quickly brings up pants and set up for what affairs didn't take place, came over here to hug Ruan Ling jade, gentle and soft way:"Is dear, is what matter make you so nervous?"
The Ruan Ling jade pays no attention to put tuo his arm, positive color way:"The patrol boat spreads news, distance shark the south of the island discovers a not clear fleet."
Emperor benefit a surprised, the pi hasn't got a sofa frightened of jump, he immediately once robbed the telegram in the Ruan Ling jade hand, then quickly browsed 1 time.Turn an eye to see, he shows unintentionally an interrogative facial expression.
"Not clear fleet?Are that helping stupid goods how to investigates?"The adjutant also wide awake and immediately walks to the emperor benefit nearby.Of so go together with an assistant for emperor benefit, is that he doesn't know conductor and become to have no head fly while fearing to meet a problem, so chose a commanding officer to come over to help him, truely make policy power although at emperor benefit hand in, what to give decision is his adjutant to protect Luo.
The emperor benefit trusts towards protecting Luo also calculating, handed over to telegram to protect Luo, then quickly walked to side in the maritime map.This telegram thoroughly made him confuse.
Protected Luo to quickly browse a time of telegram contents, then walked to emperor benefit nearby, on the maritime map after seeing a short while, he asks a way:"Colonel why will appear a fleet in the shark island?"
The emperor benefit didn't open mouth, this is that he feels an interrogative place.If this fleet does with malice, the so best landing area should be a moxa Er island.Because is real strenght's weakest group of islands in all NATO allies control group of islandses there, and there water road is lucid,Beats by Dr Dre solo, enter can offend to back can guard, be advantageous to landing operation very much.Can this fleet but appear at with the shark island that the reef is known for, why?The geography is flat there, and barren completely devastated, basically have no a place to do to cover, this helps guy if really landed a shark island, basically become live target, should have no this kind of military idiocy?Is aller not equal to than oneselfs!
"Colonel mentioned this a few materials of battleship in the telegram, this was very likely to be a new vessel that the some Southeast Asia country lately buys into."Protecting Luo knows that the emperor benefit equals idiocy in the military, so reminds a way:"This fleet is at the right moment placed in our stroke scopes now inside, if passed up the opportunity this time, perhaps ……"
Feelings this guy stays in the pirate nest long, the thinking also develops into pirate mode, thought of first of isn't intention that distinguishes an other party, but is wanting how appropriate to oneself this fleet.
The emperor benefit turned a head to see protect Luo's one eye, the vision transfered in the maritime map again.Was very put on an act to consider for a long time, then noded:"Is reasonable, we go on an expedition forthcoming, is exactly to be in need of this kind of at the time that high level equiped, God since gave us the opportunity and had already passed really too and unfortunately."
Ruan Ling jade but wrinkle up eyebrows:"Not to ah, if really be like you say of, is a some Southeast Asia country to lately buy a material, should someone send away under guard just to, and the meeting is a national regular army, words like that, even if is on our territories, do we also impossibly and easily take down and lose when the time comes how to calculate?"
Protect Luo dark the hair scolding a sentence open mental horizon short, then explanation way:"The nation of any order weapon material, can be been responsible for by the other party to send away under guard, and number can not over 50, otherwise, going by way of the nation will with protection national security is from, carry on a military operation to them, so say, send away under guard battleship of and not necessarily is regular navy."
The Ruan Ling jade really doesn't understand these, although still keep having some to worry, also can order to decline to comment.
Emperor benefit but very excited, greatly sigh a sky to help me also!Start to keep a waist, pointing out of energetic and daring way:"Immediately make Su admire text Ni to take a brigade to prepare to set out, also have ……started out the B46 that we purchased last month to investigate machine!"
"The reconnaissance plane seems to be always to just carry out a task together with patrol boat, however ……the patrol boat has already sent back news, they at present have never sent back to come to any intelligence report.Does "protect Luo tiny wrinkly next eyebrow, " want to wait for a second again?"
The emperor benefit just a little hesitated for a while, then accepted the suggestion of protecting Luo and said:"Let Su admire the text Ni work well to fight preparation, we again etc. half hour."
Protect Luo but shake, say:"Su admires text Ni the nothing important ability of this person, he beats a dozen of pirates to still go and is like this kind of activity, had better not make him participate in, still keep being taken a brigade in person by me this time, after all this time act may relate to us to organize a future development!"
The emperor benefit also feels reasonable and at that moment nods a way:"You prepare for a while, half hour hereafter immediately set out."
"Yes, colonel!"Protected Luo to emolliently go a military salute, then without telling anyone backed to go out, heel in his behind of, there is also madam with embarrassed look, although the husband of full head dripping green didn't say what, can be his noodles be ridden by another men, how much a bit very much obliged, she which know, these affair root be protect the opportunity that Luo makes for emperor benefit, for of not just raise an identity position?
Say towards protecting Luo coming, her this madam is really worthless!
Shark island.
Expect Er to wear man to raise a head to wait for what, the complexion is some to worry.
Wait for being one to make people very troublesome matter feeling, however sometimes wait for is have to.Seem to be now, puzzling be cheated to here by Zhang Zhe, looking at this light the bald bird doesn't move bowels of place, he feels that he ascended devil greatly be, here which will have what pirate main force, root even the fishing boat can not see.
While doing not close to group of islands, there is still at least patrol boat process, let a hair torpedo break vegetarian fast, after canning truely land group of islands, in addition to is a Be getting more silly Ji of curio class reconnaissance plane, had no everything, at first see the time of reconnaissance plane, expect Er to wear man happy broke down, thought that the other party starts out a reconnaissance plane, that main fleet at not distance.
Can wait until 56 under charges to bowl off a reconnaissance plane with the archibald, and investigating of neither dead nor alive when the member take his in front he just knows, somebody else's main force isn't here, here can be regarded as most outer circle, be not valued most of place.
Hence cut up rough of Ba Er wear man to immediately send out to query to Zhang Zhe, and rebuke him should not take this matter play trick and have never thought Zhang Zhe back to he a word:"Wait!"
Wait until when?Zhang Zhe didn't say, expected Er to wear man don't also ask, because he has already announced a pronouncement, if Zhang Zhe again plays trick on this serious problem, he will immediately terminate and Zhang Zhe's cooperation, and threaten and lead the fleet of NATO allies to his ground head.
To this, Zhang Zhe didn't mean.
In fact Zhang Zhe also in etc., different from Ba Er Dai's man BE, Zhang Zhe waits for being to have a purpose, but Be different from to expect Er to wear man to have no waiting for of threads.Zhang Zhe lets the sea Rui pull to send the news to NATO allies in of act from inside, hope the acting from inside informs news for key figures with another method and cause the value of Vietnamese leader.
What Zhang Zhe waited for is to deliver news later of result, he believes, everythings are pressing to schedule to plan a development.
Indeed as expected, in waiting for of as long as three hourses, NATO allies inner part finally spreads news, the main fleet has already left this, the target direction is exactly a shark island, initial estimate will in two hours arrive to there.
Receive news, Zhang Zhe immediately contacts Ba Er Dai's man and lets him ambushes in surroundings in the shark island, prepare to meet head on pain shot enemy main fleet, but himself, then ascend be just reformed good"Yangtze River" by Luo Ge.
Looking at a pair of Mou with very hot doubles son, extrude six words in Zhang Zhe crevice between teeth:"Kill light, burn down, rob light!"
This sentence changes to a burst of the Si that is full of monster xing roar, these still the not yet finished is whole civilized Indonesian monkeys, seem to be already to see blood light!
Is a burst of to bellow a voice to ring out, Yangtze River is leading Manx toward NATO allies headquarters diagram-the full speed sail!
(The comrade of telecommunication bureau isn't honest and kind!Old house network to break, the bride chamber sub- network didn't give inauguration, say like Related articles:

