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, On producing a certificate, regardless what Gao officers, Gao Guan will frighten the dither of Se Se, shake with fright.In fact all of them are persons, there are also seven feelings of the common run of people six desires, will be also welcomed the everyday business sending into to entwine.For example the sons and daughters are like the parents' inside in the unit work, general of unit very normal, but here don't go, for the sake of safety consideration, don't expose an identity, they usually all want to change name to change surname, concealed homely background, be like a summer beautiful similar outward have to have another false identity.
"You are her supervisor's bureau chief, this special activity group is BE set up by your set, you are also her of direct superior, you why don't ask a her hand in still have what evidence, directly provided to solve not to finish to the police, also use wear like this beat around the bush?"The blue bureau chief says with a smile, no matter how it is, this summer is beautiful is sign next great the achievement is a , the in the mind is happy for her.At the beginning advise her doesn't let and be engaged in this dangerous occupation, she refuses stubborn to listen to, that sub- pertinacity is like her mother very much.Is one matter for the sake of the choice occupation, he once said to her very seriously, a female kid, now that liked military rank and file, served as soldier, was polices all can, only country Anne isn't good, this line of too dangerous, basically isn't what girl can do.An inattention, will have the possibility of sacrifice.Her mother is to sacrifice outside the country in a performance task, even the identities all can not get, don't even hope what give award to and praised, canned be a not known to public.So dangerous work, simply thoughting pressure isn't a female kid to can undertake.
"Did the affair of those signs have a looks?"Han Yang Cha opens a topic and asks the business of having those signs.
"Yes, a few experts not the Kui is a superior, they already the first step control the simple meaning of these signs, should have something to do with DT's organizing."The blue bureau chief excitedly says that" sees to us, this old opponent hasn't been giving up to our regard with hostility and revenge, that full river is that they find job for in the local important inside track, several in the last yearses provided many intelligence report for them."
"Regrettable this full river died, otherwise we can follow a rattan to touch melon, digging his top of is who is controling him."One everywhere is long to slightly take to sorrily say.
"Yes, our wisheses ended up in nothing now, someone is victory to the swift-footed to polish off this person.See to them are also afraid that the secret of organization is revealed to go out, only killing a talented person will keep mouth tightly shut, can't organize to constitute any threat to them."Han Yang analyzes a way.
"Do you think that the full river is what DT organization starts to polish off?I feel don't necessarily DT organization parties the person do of, if they already discover that the full river throws away those to settle sex for the organize cut off airtight mysterious sign.So, affair not only the list is so to kill him in brief, even will ruin corpse to put out a vestige, here the noodles certainly include his family.The DT organizes of cruelty, not generally organize can compare.Even if for the sake of the family's safety, he also can't he throw away the business of sign to literally tell others of, unless he is getting more crazy."Blue bureau chief is genuine to analyze.
"H'm, also is reasonable, he since has already known those signs to matter to a built-up secret and how dare to with ease report to have already made to throw them."Han Yang nods to say.
"The full river is outward a businessman, have been outlying fame entrepreneur in Tienjin, but his bottom but have no a business enterprise, seeing all of those people whom he associates is the elite persons of two boundaries of government companies of Tienjin.He has no certain of economic power, will those people associate with him?"The blue bureau chief contemplates, the eyebrows is lightly wrinkly, analyze full river's circumstance."In addition to the offshore DT organization provides necessary economy support, he should also have other money incomes and otherwise how maintain his ostentatious?How can place so big luxurious residence villa?Light he keeps of the lover have 5, 6, the lover's car, house is all what he give buy, the thus big flower sells and have no industry how keep on maintaining?"
"Hear he and Qi Lin contact of the guild is more close, that guild but income are considerable, the day enters a Dou gold, isn't that guild his?"Han Yang asks a way.
"This is just superficial phenomenon, he is to acquaint with with that guild just, may be that he relates to with the general manager of guild better, so just arranged a few own persons in the guild.That guild is a catena business enterprise, return a dining amusement group in Hangzhou bottom.We have already found out, the president of dining amusement in Hangzhou group calls cloud breeze, but he seems just hang a , irresponsible and concrete management management.Carrying out a chief executive officer to call is pure soft, she not only is responsible for the management of group, but also still has a part-time job a finance post of director general, and this is a special side of this group.Currently in China didn't°yet a chief executive officer of group business enterprise, have a part-time job a finance director general at the same time."One everywhere is long to make collective report a way.
"Cloud breeze?Ha ha, remarkable.The hair head of those early years boy, also had to so greatly achieve, had never thought."The blue bureau chief says with smile."Do not know these circumstance chiefs to know not to know?"The end this sentence but is what he in mind says.
See a blue bureau chief, this smile, like oneself's daughter has already achieved, the in the mind feels strange, is not have ever visited together, can at that time cloud a breeze still a warrior, there is so big friendship?Even if is he broke DT organization of assassinate an activity, can he also got an advantage and signed 1 on waiting an achievement, onlying think the peaceful period can sign a to wait achievement must have much difficult?Originally let he the direct military advance school study of, and that cloud breeze don't appreciate favors given and simply entered with own skill a military college, pass examination of is still an undergraduate course class, let all persons who concern his prospect tumble glasses, also the great feeling is delighted, these all have been already jotted down in his file.What unknown secret does this cloud breeze still have?Han Yang wants to break a head that doing not also think is understand.Look for person to check him well?On wanting and breaking this mind, have lately a department chief checks cloud breeze is also now in the S City be police of Wang Feng was scolded a dog blood by the blue bureau chief to sprinkle a head, oneself stood outside the door of blue bureau chief's office at that time and saw the department chief who put on airs at ordinary times, the ash slips away ground to come out and also keeps putting on cold sweat, feel very funny.Or calculate, stop touching the blue bureau chief's bad luck,beats by dre cheap.If say that the snake contains 7 inches, so this king's breeze is obviously the blue bureau chief's seven inches.
"The dining amusement group in Hangzhou is an old-brand business enterprise, cloud breeze seems to take up to have no how many years, whether continue to investigate his background, see him from the whose hand in inherit so many properties?"One everywhere is long to instruct a way.When this department chief talks, Han Yang makes to him expression of eyes, but he basically didn't see.Han Yang finished wishing, and then touched the blue bureau chief's bad luck.
Indeed as expected, blue bureau chief's facial expression a little bit changed and in anger said:"Not be checking, his affair is extremely airtight, as for he which the properties inheritting are of no account, importance of is the life that don't influence him, understand?You all want to go to a little bit dry meaningful matter, the circumstance in nowadays BE, as long as he doesn't do the business of a Pan country, not is going to seek his trouble.This, you are rather total three of go together, know that Wang Feng has no a car, the bread car that opens to break most every day handles a case, somebody else total three simply sent a desert storm big jeep, the license hanging is also the one and only, remembering to seem the tail number is 12345.The car is special and spectacular, card is also special and spectacular, the young men in nowadays all really adore vainglory, car like this, license like this, plus can in the whole whole country or is the troops gas stations of the whole whole country all can literally encourage at any time of free encourage card, is his ability unmoved?On this, we also want with total three learn, draw together to still draw together not to come over, also is going to give offense to him, how does this go?"
"BE, we definitely make a good relation with him."One everywhere is long to finally listen to understand, immediately rectified own false standpoint, and right away declare to fix a good relationship with Wang Feng, this lets the idea of smiling of blue bureau chief re- hang on the face.
"You are a dynamic state that wants to closely pay attention to everyone in Tienjin, have what variety, immediately make collective report to me, the matter wades DT organization, which fear a small matter, also want to be into important event to treat, then in time processing report.Our solution not of, request the upper grade section to help solution."Grind to a stop a Related articles:

